"Wellness Enhancing Lives", WEL's mission is to promote healthy lifestyles at Winterset High School. WEL members develop leadership skills to encourage positive decisions regarding student health. WEL members plan activities focusing on a variety of health issues. Health topics include: Promotion of Fitness, Nutrition, Self Esteem and Positive Body Image, Prevention of Violence in Relationships, and the Risks associated with use of Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drugs.
Iowa Students for Tobacco Education and Prevention - Led by students and supported by adults,
ISTEP is a statewide movement made up of young people who want to step up and take action
against tobacco. Not only is ISTEP the only statewide youth-led organization focused on ending
tobacco in Iowa – it’s also a lot of fun! We make friends, make a difference and become leaders.
Meetings will be held every 2 nd and 4 th Thursday of the month.
Sponsor: Cari Davis